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Season 2 Interface / PC Decoder Interface

Season 2  Interface / PC Decoder Interface with integral1.5mt serial cable.  The PC-Decoder Interface sometimes called the Season Interface is the most valuable of enthusiast tools - for many years hackers and software writers have used them to develop emulation software for satellite TV channels.

The PC-Decoder Interface sometimes called the Season Interface is the most valuable of enthusiast tools - for many years hackers and software writers have used them to develop emulation software for satellite TV channels.

How does it work?

It communicates data between a PC and the Smart card reader of your device (Satellite receiver, cable recevier, CAM, Smartcard reader etc. 

This particular model is low energy and can be converted to a Logger* - simply by adding a card reader - like one found in a CAM or satellite receiver - Also known as the Season interface use with software like wincardemu

For information

WCE (Windows card emulator) is one of the most popular PC-Decoder interface programs

and the software emulates many real / official cards

the last WCE is 1.59 (released March 2007)

the notes of which read

WCE 1.59

Added ability to update AES keys from internet.

2 different formats of host response is supported..

When key 'g' is pressed, the external file AESHOST.TXT
is parsed for host name (must be on line 1) and the request data
used to get the key for that particular host.

Two sample files, AESHOST1.TXT and AESHOST2.TXT (working at time of publication)
is included, just copy any of them to AESHOST.TXT and then start WCE..
(and yes, the blank line(s) at the bottom is required)..
you can of course change the file to use on the fly..
the file is only opened and read/parsed when you press key 'g'.

To update the key, press key 'g' and hopefully you get the current AES key.

Standard disclaimer:
If it works, great, if not...then just delete it ;-)

 WCE DAT Files Notes read


***** Credits *****

WCE updates all done thanks too Gunnar
All the latest updates and news
concerning WCE can be found at:

"Home of Gunner's WCE" Forum at http://sataid.com/forum

***** What to do next *****

To impliment these files just
Copy and paste all the files to your WCE folder
then run WCE as normal.

***** Humax 5400 Info *****

If your running a patched Humax 5400 remember
to set the "CAID Presets" Click Menu -> ToH ->
Config and select"caid preselect" -> cas1.

***** Download & News Info *****

The Original and genuine WCE & files can only be found on:
http://sataid.com/forum  "Home of Gunner's WCE"

And also on the following site at:

If you downloaded these files from certain Forums then the credits will be removed from all files and replaced with fake Credits, sad but true :o(

All the best

* A Logger is a smart card reader attached to your PC-Decoder interface - the smart card reader reads data from a Smart card allowing the data to be analysed on a PC code words passed by the Smart card to the smart card reader and requests made by the smart card reader to the card are "Logged" usually in a txt file this data can then be analysed to find out what messages are being asked and what answers are being given - In laymens terms it's like an eavesdropping device - which allows the user to listen in the information used can then be copied and cloned etc. etc
