The unit is made to be one of the best and fastest tools for finding and aligning a satellite-dish towards the wanted TV-satellite.
The "EasyFind"-function makes this very easy as the installer simply chose the wanted satellite from a list.
In the "Easyfind" -mode the meter will use its full capacity to search only for unique parameters of that satellite. This will help the installer to make very fast and accurate installations.
The "Easyfind"-mode also recall the last selection used when powered up.
The meter is intended for professional use as it presents signal levels with high accuracy and very precise information is shown. Still, it´s easily operated without a lot of unnecessary buttons and knobs. The basic functions are easy to get a hold on and takes only minutes to learn.
The instrument is provided with a LCD with backlite which shows the different modes like; satellite id, Digital information and signal spectrum.
The meter shows Digital information like S/N (signal/noise ratio).
The NIT function can identify the various TV-satellites by reading out the NIT in the Bitstream (NIT = Network Information Table). The NIT also contains info about the transponders TV and Radio-channels.
Signalstrength can also be presented with pitchtones from the built In loudspeaker (the higher tone, the better signal).
Satlook Lite can also present the Satellite spectrum, freq: 950-2150 MHz in normal and expanded mode.
The polarisation of the LNB is switchable 13V/18V and the Hi-Lo band with 22 kHz-tone. The DiSEqC-function controls all DiSEqC-accessories (like switches, LNB´s and actuators).
The power of the instrument is supplied by a built in and rechargeable battery. Even though the instrument has a lot of functions it is still very light and flexible.

Technical specification:
• Input frequency: 920-2150MHz
• Input level: 35-100 dBuV
• Input/output impedance: 75 Ohm, F-connectors
• Measuring method (Analog):
RF Signal presentation in thermometer scale.
Loadspeaker tone changes with signal level when enabled
• Measuring method (Digital):
BER (bit error rate)
MER (modulation error ratio)
SNR (signal/noise-ratio)
• Scales showing max signal and max values
• EasyFind satellite identification: By reading the NIT/FEC/SR etc. in the
transport stream
• Automatically acquires DVB-S transponders using advanced demodulator to
determine FEC and Symbol Rate.
• Spectrum Analyzer 950 MHz to 2150 MHz.
• Back-lighted 128x64 Pixels LCD.
• PC connection: RS232 with DB9 connector
• LNB Power: 13V or 18V.
• 22 kHz tone: Standard 22 KHz signal superimposed at 0.65V p-p on LNB-A
• DiSEqC: Yes, according to 1.0.
• Battery: Rechargeable 8x AA rechargeable batteries of 1600mA each.
• Battery Life: About 1 hour on fully charged batteries.
• Weight: About 0.7 kg including batteries.
• Accessories: Orange rubber casing.
• Power-supply of 220v/13.8v, 1.5 amp
• Car-charger
• RS232 Lead ( USB to RS232 is not included )